As we celebrate Memorial Day with our families and friends, let’s not forget about the brave heroes who protected and protect our country. It is because of their services that we continue to be free so we take this day to honor their courage. Happy Memorial Day Everyone!
The pollen is finally starting to slowly disappear. Now is the perfect time to wash the pollen buildup off your home and all of its beautiful assets, not only to make it look nicer, but also to help with allergies. Due to the high temperatures allowing for faster drying rates, it is also the perfect time to power wash and re-stain your deck, swing sets, etc. We will be happy to answer any questions that you may have and give you a free estimate.
B&W Window Cleaning would like to wish everyone a Happy Easter and Happy Passover.
To those of you celebrating Easter: May your Easter basket be full of joy, happiness, and peace.
To those of you celebrating Passover: We wish you happiness, peace, and good health.
Everyone seemed to like our March promotion which offered free screen cleaning. To show our appreciation, we have decided to extend this promotion through April. We will make sure that you are 100% satisfied with our services.
Thank you for choosing B&W Window Cleaning!
Although it does not feel like it yet, spring is finally here. People have been calling us asking whether or not it is too cold outside to clean windows. The answer: as long as it is above freezing, we can clean your windows and/or power wash your home. If you would like your windows cleaned or home power washed before the holidays, we will do our best to put you on the schedule. Please do not hesitate to give us a call, as we will be happy to answer any questions that you may have.
Thank you for choosing B&W Window Cleaning
Hello Everyone,
On Sunday, March 22, 2015, the New York Red Bulls will be having a blanket drive for the Covenant House in New Jersey. The Covenant House provides food, shelter, and care to thousands of homeless youth in the United States, Canada, and Latin America. We will be donating and we would like to see if anyone else wants to participate in donating NEW, unused blankets for this great cause. Please let us know and we will gladly pick them up from your home.
If you would like more information, please follow this link: http://www.newyorkredbulls.com/blanket-drive
Thank you,
The B&W Window Cleaning Staff
Just when we thought winter was over, here comes another massive storm. However, it is March, which means spring is just around the corner. Book your appointment for window cleaning before March 15, 2015, and we will wash your window screens for free. Also ask us about our package deals.
Thank you for choosing B&W Window Cleaning!
Our apologies to those who tried to reach us through our website for the delayed responses. We were experiencing technical difficulties, which are now resolved. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Thank you for choosing B&W Window Cleanibg!
Most of us enjoy watching the beautiful snowflakes falling down, making everything look like a winter wonderland. Then, we have to step outside, and get to shoveling and salting. The salt – we all see what it does to our cars. If not washed off, it can damage the clear coat quickly. It can cause similar damage to your driveway, walkway, patio, steps, etc. We can’t stress enough how important it is to power wash the salt and road grime from what could be one of your home’s greatest assets.